For some reason, I feel like Thursdays are a part of my weekend. Maybe it is because I work on Sunday?? On Thursday, Amalie came to work again. We are all having so much fun with her. She has been a bright spot in the office. We were trying to tire her out by getting her to run up and down the hall.
Thursday afternoon, I had my follow up apppointment with the surgeon. I love my opthalmologist. Thursday was a goregous day and I realized the Vulcan and his famous "behind/butt" is very visible from the eye doctor's parking lot! I literally took these two pictures to text to my sister in Texas -- look who's butt overlooks the eye doc's office? Sisters. We can be silly.
I drove home and then Mark and I drove back to Homewood to meet our "out to eat" supper club for dinner at Rodney Scott's BBQ. I had a great salad with smoked chicken. We enjoyed great conversation.
and I may have enjoyed a Cosmopolitan! It felt a little silly ordering a Cosmopolitan in a BBQ restaurant - but who cares, really?
That is our friend, Debbie, on the other side of my glass.
On Friday, my brother-in-law, Bill, took a turn for the worse. Mark was at the ER with him and I walked up to the local restaurant to meet a young adult from our church. Our wires were crossed and she never showed. It was ok because I just enjoyed sitting on a picnic bench in the sunshine.
I made an A on my mid-term last week - just barely!! We started the next unit and I did some homework.
On Friday night, I tried a new recipe - smash burgers on a tortilla. They were so good and so easy and so fast!!
Saturday morning, Mark met Glenn so that we could have granddaughter #1 for part of the day. She helped me decorate the golfcart for the neighborhood Mardi Gras parade. I think Mardi Gras beads and moon pies just look so good together hahaha!
I think we did a good job with our decorations.
We were toward the front of the parade line.
Sweet girl wore her Mardi Gras colors and last year, I bought a headband for her and a jester's headband for Mark. I evidently bought some things on sale after the fact!!
Our golf cart came in 2nd place for decorations. The cart that won had a stuffed alligator on the front and another kind of alligator on the back.
Our neighbor snapped a picture of the three of us!
The boy on the scooter was so cute throwing candy from his basket and honking his horn. You can see the long line of golf carts behind us. I think there were 16 this year.
I took this photo in the garage before we left home! We had not added the feather boa to the top yet. It was SOOOO windy on Saturday.
Saturday night, we ate leftover smash burger tortillas - we reheated in the convection oven. They weren't as good reheated, but they were fine.
Sunday morning found me at work bright and early. They have moved brother-in-law Bill to a room at the hospital and he has a palliative care nurse and they are administering morphine to keep him comfortable. It was a VERY rough weekend for Bill and Mark and Susie and George.
I'm sorry your b-i-l is suffering. I hope the pallative care is a help to you all. Your parade sounds like fun and your golf cart looks great! We were invited to a Mardi Gras party this year but had another event to attend so missed it. I always enjoy the festive atmosphere and of course the food : )