Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Marching into March Hodgepodge


1. What do you love most about March? Let's see . . .I love the time change because I love more daylight.  I wish I didn't have allergies and could be outside more. I'm terribly allergic to tree pollen and all of the trees are doing their thing -- they all look so beautiful!! I love those first green leaves on the trees. I love seeing all of the living things as they "wake up" after their winter slumber. We also have a couple of family birthdays in March that are fun to celebrate -- two granddaughters will celebrate this month -- our oldest will be 9 and our youngest will be 1.

2. Hey! Did you know March is National Celery Month? Do you like celery? What's something you make (or like to order out) that calls for celery? I had no idea that celery was important enough to have a whole month dedicated to it!! I like celery "stuffed" with cream cheese and olives or pimento cheese and I like "ants on a log" (celery with peanut butter and raisins). Celery is also good on a crudite tray served with ranch dressing for dipping.

3. _______________ is the soundtrack to my life right now. I don't know. I actually googled, "what would be a good soundtrack for a life where people keep dying and bad things keep happening."  Seriously. I didn't like any of the answers!! I guess I need to play the song from #4. Our family is ready for a reprieve from death. We actually have a really good life and feel very blessed - we've just had lots of family members die in 9 months and are waiting on Bill to take his last breath. When people ask, "how are you?" I've begun saying "upright"! We are still standing and we know that we are loved by God and by many people and we have so many blessings in our lives.

4. Share a favorite motivational quote for overcoming challenges. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13; And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. . .Romans 8:28. I also love the following lyrics from Overcomer by Mandisa and I've been known to play the song on repeat.

You're an overcomer
Stay in the fight 'til the final round
You're not going under
'Cause God is holding you right now
You might be down for a moment
Feeling like it's hopeless
That's when he reminds you
That you're an overcomer
You're an overcomer

5. The Hodgepodge lands on Ash Wednesday this year. Do you participate in Lent in some way? If so tell us more. We do. I didn't grow up participating in Lent - didn't even know what it was. I love Lent - it makes Easter so much more special. I need to be reminded that the cross was costly - it is not cheap grace. Some years I give up something -- that is actually why I don't eat sweets. I gave them up for Lent in 2017 and started to eat them again at Easter and quickly figured out that sweets were making me sick. Some years I have given up criticizing others or one year at work, all of the office ladies gave up gossip. I'm chuckling about that one because we would say, "I'm not gossiping - this is a fact." I have also "taken on" something -- one year, I took a meal every week to an older widowed man in our congregation. One year I wrote encouraging notes to people each week. I try to look at my life and think what things are in the way of spiritual growth or what things I need to take on for spiritual growth. During Holy Week, we will have noon day sermons followed by lunch on Monday through Wednesday. We will have Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. All of those worship services prepare my heart for the glory of Easter Sunday morning.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  


  1. I loved Mandisa and was sad that she died. I got to hear her at a concert around 2019. I really liked her song called God Speaking.
    I liked your verses!

    1. I was so sad when she died, too. I went to a She Speaks conference many years ago and Mandisa was friends with Lysa Terkheurst and was at the conference as a guest and Lysa introduced her to everyone.

  2. I didn't grow up in a church that participates in Lent nor have the ones I attended as an adult. I feel like all the churches I've gone to have done a good job of preaching sermons leading up to Easter to prepare our hearts for Easter. That said, I can see how the specific traditions of Lent such as giving something up can be super impactful and meaningful. I like the examples of what you've done over the years- what great acts of service! I'm sorry you've gone through a season of loss. Sending hugs!

    1. thank you!! I'm so glad your churches have always done a good job of getting you ready for Easter!!

  3. Hi, I too did not grow up practicing in lent. I loved what you wrote for #5!!! I have been doing the same. I have given up something... and usually learn something. And I have taken on something... and that is what I will be doing this year.
    We have birthdays in March too.
    xx oo

  4. I typically don't give something up but can appreciate the significance. I'm sorry for all the losses you have had to navigate this year. I hope you enjoy time with your granddaughters this month and find share some happy moments with them. I am with you on the pollen. It's awful here when it hits it's peak and I stay indoors more than I want to. We cover all our outdoor furniture for the month of April at least and my hubs has already rolled up the outdoor rugs. Makes cleanup so much easier. Have a nice day Lisa!

  5. So sorry it has been such a hard season for your family. I love that song and thank you for sharing the lyrics. We are Overcomers!

  6. I don't know why but most people seem not to know about stuffing celery with cream cheese and olives but that is one of my favorite snacks!! Maybe it's a Southern thing?

  7. I am with you with the allergies, it's no fun at all. I hope you have fun celebrating your granddaughters birthday's.
    Sending love and hugs. I am so sorry about all of your losses.

  8. I'm sorry for the grief that seems to be enfolding your family of late. "Upright" is a perfect answer ... honest and a little humorous, too. Your co-worker's correction to gossip made me laugh out loud. That's a fact, Jack!

  9. I miss "official" Lenten services that I was used to when going to the Catholic church. My Presbyterian church doesn't do Ash Wednesday or much more than just noting Lent. I enjoyed your post!
