Sunday, November 5, 2023

The ABC's of Sunday Stealing

I'm joining up with the Sunday Stealing Gang. Bev can't remember where she stole these prompts.

A - Ambition: To graduate from college no matter my age


B - Birthday: June


C - Computer: For personal use, I have an HP. I use a Dell for work – both are laptops. I love apple products but have always worked using other computers.


D - Dream: As I grow older, to remain healthy and active and to love much and laugh lots.


E - Exercise: I ride my trusty stationary recumbent bike almost every day.


F - Favorite Food: We eat a very healthy diet 99% of the time and to be honest, I’m not sure any of those healthy things are truly my favorite food. I do love a really good burger and fries – I eat the healthier version but I love the non-healthy version.


G - Garden: I don’t. My daddy and grandpa always had a wonderful garden with all sorts of fresh veggies. Mark does our “gardening” (yard work).


H - Hobby: Lately, I haven’t had time for hobbies but I love to do anything crafty. I love to write. I love to hang out with friends.


I - Idol: I don’t have an idol . . . though I think sometimes I worship money and image. I’m working on it.


J - Job: I’m the Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor of a large United Methodist Church in Homewood, AL.


K - Kids: We have twins who will be 37 this month – boy/girl. She is the oldest by one minute.


L - Location: We live in the deep south.


M - Military: nope, but I am thankful for those who have served.

N - Name or Nickname: Lisa – the only nickname I’ve ever had was “hoss” – my daddy called me that when I was a kid.


O - Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist – annoyingly so.


P - Pets: Harvey, a giant cat


Q - Quote: I have several. I'll have to come back and share this later.


R - Reads: I love a good mystery or a good thriller.


S - School: Yes, I’m in college at the ripe old age of 65.


T - Travel: I love it! I wish we could travel even more. We have a trip planned for 2024.


U - Unfulfilled ambition: I’m not sure . . .


V - Vacation spot: Our “close to home” vacation spot is Orange Beach, AL which is about 4 ½ hours from our house on the gorgeous gulf of Mexico. We have fine white sand beaches. It is lovely.


W - Wardrobe: I would be happiest in shorts and t-shirts and Birkenstocks. Of course, I have to wear other clothes to work.


X - X-tra facts about me: I was living with twin roommates when I met Mark, who is an identical twin. That means there were two sets of identical twins in our wedding. We now have fraternal twins.


Y - Years online: I have no idea but I clearly remember a friend (at the time) telling me that EVERYONE had an email address and I needed to get one immediately! That was a long time ago.


Z - Zodiac sign: Gemini


  1. I was 52-53 or so when I finally graduated with my second degree. You can do it, believe me. smiles

    1. I love hearing from others who were able to do it!!

  2. Great answers!! I was 50 when I finished my BA. It is possible!!

    1. I will probably be 70 by the time I get my BA. . . but won't that be cool?

  3. we tossed our stationary bike because it was falling apart. But it was carted away by someone before the garbage collectors came. I was 39 when I finished my MLS.

    1. It always amazes me how people see someone else's trash and truly see it as a treasure. I wonder if someone is riding that bike still to this day! I love hearing from all of you who went back to school as an adult. I will probably be 70 before I finish.

  4. I admire you so much for going back to school. And my birthday is in June, too!

    1. Yay for June birthdays! Thank you for your encouraging words!!

  5. I'm sure you can graduate if you want to.

    My gram had twins, so I knew it might happen to me too. And it did.
    They're 28 now.

    1. My granny on my daddy's side had twins and I was the youngest grandchild and I would always laugh and say that I would be the one to have twins . . .and I did!

  6. I enjoyed your dream. Very wise. I don't know any twins, and you're surrounded by them!
