Friday, June 10, 2016

on my knees . . .

 Most of you know that I work in a church - I talk about it all the time.  I love my job for many reasons but today I'm going to tell you about one reason.

On Fridays, if there is to be a baptism on Sunday, I walk to the other end of the building.  The sacristy is on the far side of the main sanctuary.  I leave the baptismal certificate, a baptism candle for the family, and a letter on the counter in the sacristy for the acolyte to put out on Sunday morning. (or the acolyte mom)

This morning, when I walked into the sanctuary, the light was perfect.  Sun was streaming through the stained glass windows so there was just enough light in the room.

I actually thought about light in my life . . and how light always wins over darkness.  I'm so glad because sometimes life seems dark, doesn't it?

But I promise not to get off topic today - so what is one of the things that I love about working in a church?  When I walked back through the sanctuary (after leaving the candle, etc.), I felt the need to pray.  I had already spent time in prayer this morning and I have a tendency to talk to God throughout the day YET I felt a strong urge to GET ON MY KNEES and pray.  So I did that very thing.  I knelt on one of the kneeling cushions and I looked up at the big cross and I poured out my heart to God.

I am thankful to work in a place where prayer is not only allowed but encouraged.  I count that as such a blessing.

Where is your favorite place to pray?

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