We had placed our take-out order with Zoe's - a wonderful local restaurant. We had grilled chicken salads and some had grilled chicken plates - yummy food. We ate straight out of the containers with plastic forks . . . in our laps. For those of you who know my wonderful mother-in-law, you are probably gasping! She is a true southern lady who doesn't allow the carton of milk or ketchup bottle on the table!! But this was "Girl's Night Out." We started our first movie, "What a Girl Wants." We needed to watch a movie that all ages could watch . . .and it helps that my mother-in-law ADORES Colin Firth. We ate and watched the first movie and were even "shushed" a few times!! At one point, two generations were spread out on the den floor :-)
This is the sweet woman who planned it all. Look at that face - she is laughing at something in the movie . . .hands must be busy . . .knitting a scarf - she has knitted us all at least one scarf this season (because they are so in style!!)
I must admit that I was not really looking forward to the evening - simply because I was so very tired (long day at work). But in hind sight (which is always 20/20) I realize what a perfect evening. What a nice "Girl's Night" out/in. I'm thankful for my "in-laws" . . .since my mom has been dead for so many years, I know - I KNOW - without a shadow of doubt that we need to be enjoying these days together. Thank God for my sweet mother-in-law!
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