Trinity UMC is using a book by Adam Hamilton for the season of Lent. Today was the first Sunday of Lent and we had communion. I think one of my favorite "perks" of working on a church staff is the honor of serving communion. I can't put into words how I feel when we are serving. It is an honor and a privilege but more than that. I sometimes feel as I gaze into someones eyes and say the words, "the blood of Christ shed for you" or "this is because Jesus loves you so much" to some of the children, that it is truly a God moment. A moment where "Christ in me" meets "Christ in them." A few weeks ago, I served a little boy who has special needs. When I said to him, "This is because Jesus loves you" he looked up at me with the most beautiful eyes and said, "Jesus loves you, too." Sorry . . .back to today. Before communion, our senior minister (Andy) preached a great sermon and I know that Dave (our associate who preaches in the contemporary service) did also. We actually had a triclinium table set up in the altar area so that we could imagine how it really was that night. After early church, we went to Sunday School. We watched the first session of the video in our Sunday school class and then discussed some of the questions. I don't think I had ever really thought about Judas sitting on the left hand of Jesus at the last supper in an HONORED spot. I knew it on some level but I think today that point really sunk into my pea brain. We talked about whom we would want to be sitting around the table at our last meal. Jesus had a man sitting by him in a position of honor who was going to betray him. Jesus still loved Judas. To be honest, when I thought of the folks that I would want sitting with me at my last supper, I thought of people who love me, people who encourage me, people whom I love . . .not any enemy. We also talked about how the Seder meal and Holy Communion are similar - a time of remembering who and whose we are. I think that the thing that was most meaningful to me was when we imagined (with our eyes closed) that it was Jesus handing us the piece of bread. What did his face look like? To me, his face must have radiated amazing love. Even more amazing, his face radiates amazing love each time he looks at me. He loves me - a sinner - one who screws up all the time. He loves ME. I am overwhelmed by that love and grace. I think today was a wonderful first Sunday of Lent - maybe the best yet!
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