Wednesday, June 26, 2024


It is Wednesday so I'm joining up with Joyce at From This Side of the Pond and friends to answer the Hodgepodge questions! I would love to hear your answers!!

1. What do you think has remained the same about you your whole life? How has your perception of yourself changed over time? My smile has remained the same! My belief in Jesus has strengthened but is still intact. The way I live out my faith is definitely different, and my opinions have changed. I grew up with fairly judgemental Christianity and I now try hard to err on the side of grace. I’ve never had a large amount of self-confidence and that is the same.

2. What was the first thing you learned how to cook? Do you prefer to cook or bake? I learned to cook a lot of red things first! My mom died when I was 15 and I later lived with my sister and her husband for a while since my daddy was working crazy hours. My job was to start supper when I came in from school. I made spaghetti and homemade vegetable soup and other “red” things until my brother-in-law said, “please don’t make anything red tonight!” I remember the first time I made Chicken Divan. I was living in a one-bedroom apartment and had invited a date over for dinner. I prefer to cook, I think, though I do enjoy baking. Does making cheese straws count as cooking or baking? I tend to think of sweets when baking but we bake bread, right? So I guess making cheese straws counts as baking.

3. What are some of your current priorities in this season of life? Elaborate. I’ve always heard that our priorities should be Jesus, Others, Yourself (JOY). I’m trying to keep Jesus first, but I am pretty focused on finishing school and my job so I may have moved myself into second position which is not good. Dang, I hate when these questions make me think!! Hahaha! I do try to put others before myself but I did that for so many years and am not trying to focus a little on myself and my own growth. I am trying to focus on relationships -- like when all the kids and grandkids were going to the pool on Saturday afternoon, I chose pool and then had to scramble when writing my paper.

4. How much time do you spend on your hair each day or, put another way, what's your hair care routine? Do you get it cut regularly or just whenever the mood strikes? Do you go to the same stylist every time? Do you tell your stylist everything? Any other beauty treatments you indulge in throughout the year? I go visit Terrie at Seventh Heaven every 4-5 weeks. I have my hair trimmed slightly and my roots covered up. I wash and condition my hair every day when I shower and then I blow it dry and use a straightener to smooth it out. If I shower and am staying home, I let it air dry. Terrie and I talk about all sorts of things when I’m in her chair. I love to get pedicures and try to get one every three weeks or so at a place near our house. I rarely get a manicure because my hands are in dishwater and cooking, etc. so often that I mess them up. Does a massage count as a beauty treatment? I try to get a massage about 6 or 7 times a year.

5. What is the most awe-inspiring place you've visited? Ireland is beautiful. Driving from Italy to Austria/Germany is gorgeous and we saw amazing scenery. Many of the places in Israel have been commercialized (as in there is a church or mosque built on top) that I didn’t feel as much awe BUT when we sat on some of the original steps of the temple . . .where Jesus and Mary and Joseph had walked . . . that was pretty awe-inspiring.

6. Insert your own random thought here. We like crime, CIA, FBI, and mystery TV shows. We’ve watched Bosch, Bones, Criminal Minds, Chuck, Absentia (that one was tough), Reacher, The Americans, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. We tried Slow Horses and couldn’t get into it. We were so desperate for something to watch that we recently watched Palm Royale. Any suggestions on something new we can watch?? We have Hulu, Prime, and Youtube TV.


  1. We are currently watching Bosch and enjoying it. Agree about Absentia (we watched that recently). GREAT question about cheese straws! My sister made those in home ec class and she said we had to make them at home. That was one of the first things that I helped to bake/cook. So good! It sounds like you got a head start on cooking (you were doing it at a young age!).

  2. #3 - I do that sometimes too. I'll choose the fun thing and then think, "Oh I can get that work done" and then I have to hustle! #4 - same with me and manis; I'll ruin them asap but a good pedi I am down for. #5 - I am really looking forward to seeing Germany too! I am guessing it's going to be so pretty.

    1. I hope you have fun on your vacation out west!

  3. #5 - My wife and I just returned from an exciting holiday in the UK. Saw a whole lot of places. Howick Hall Gardens, Holy Island (Lindisfarne) and Beamish Museums have been really awe-inspiring. There was so much to learn and understand about the history and traditions. I am right now putting up a travelogue series on my blog.

  4. Your post reminded me I have a photograph framed of me with my two girls taken at a gas station in Austria. You cannot see the gas station in the picture but the mountains in the background are amazing! Cheese straws count as baking. I've never tried making them but i do enjoy eating them. Have you ever watched Hinterland? It's set in Wales and the scenery is positively stunning. It's a police series set in Wales.

  5. I am drawn to crime shows and real-crime documentaries as my preferred television entertainment. In light of the limited options available, I have resorted to re-watching certain series. Specifically, I am finding enjoyment in revisiting "Burned" and "The Mentalist," despite having seen them before. It has been several years since I last immersed myself in these shows.
    I second Hinterland - from what Joyce mentioned. Broadchurch is excellent as well.

    1. I couldn't find a series "Burned." Did you mean Burn Notice?

  6. You should try British TV. Acorn and or Britbox have amazing detective shows. Midsomer Murder, Death in Paradise, Vera, Luther... and more... good stuff.

    1. We've been watching a lot of British shows lately! I will check out these!

  7. All the places you've visited sound awe inspiring. Yes, to belief in Jesus! We enjoy murder mysteries, too. We've enjoyed Bosch, Midsommer Murders, Lewis, Endeavour, Vera, Shetland, just to name a few. Happy end of June to you!

    1. Thanks for the show recommendations. we will check them out!

  8. Hi Lisa, I enjoyed your post today. I am like you on number one, more grace and speak the truth in love. Hubby and I like the NCIS and FBI shows. I like anything medical related. Netflix has a really good series called Call the Midwife. All my shows are on break, so I am reading more. I hope you find some shows you like!

    1. I watched NCIS with my daughter for years!

  9. I haven't had self confidence either and it's still the same. So sorry about your mom passing away when you were young. You had a pretty big responsibility with getting dinner started. That's a nice plan with your hair dresser and yes a massage is a beauty treatment. You have seen some amazing things. We are watching Open Range on Prime. It's been interesting but weird too. We couldn't get into Palm Royale.
