Saturday started our marathon of weddings for the month of June - such fun celebrating with friends!!
Mark painted another porch ceiling from 8:00 a.m. until 3:10 p.m. and then hurried in to take a shower. We cleaned up nicely!! I found the dress at Nordstrom online - they have a great selection (one of the best selections!) of larger size dresses. This dress is here.
We rarely take pictures together but Laura was home so I asked her to snap a quick one. The hubs hates pictures . . .this was the best one. He WOULD NOT smile for Laura but looks like he is about to burst out laughing.
We headed to Decatur for Cara's wedding. We drove through unbelievable traffic in downtown Birmingham and then we drove through one of the worst rain storms ever. On one section of the interstate, it was "roughed" up for construction and we laughed that the road was so ridged that it was tickling our butts!!
We made it to the wedding thanks to my driving like a race car driver (thank you so much that we didn't get a speeding ticket). The wedding was sweet and in a pretty, old United Methodist Church - Central UMC in Decatur, AL.
After the wedding, we headed over to the reception. This was the "get-away" car. Isn't it cool??
Cara looked lovely on her special day.
We had never met her new hubby. They look so happy together!
I had to take a photo of this . . .the bride's cousin made 17 - yes SEVENTEEN - homemade cheesecakes of various flavors as a gift of love. There were blueberry swirl cheesecakes and raspberry or strawberry swirl cheesecakes and plain cheesecakes. He used 30 pounds of cream cheese.
Cara and Brandon right before the cutting of the cakes. We seemed to be hovering nearby . . .Mark wanted cheesecake!
Mark was able to eat some cheesecake!!
I thought this table was beautiful -- with all the fruits and veggies and cheese cubes. So colorful!!
As we were leaving to walk to our car, we saw Brandon and Cara and the photographer. Isn't this cool? The building across the street had this on their marquee.
This weekend, we are headed to wedding two - including the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Both Cara and her sister Dana (married last year) are from our small group on Tuesday night and the wedding this weekend is Will and Laura - they actually MET in our group!! We love all of these young adults!! Will you be attending any weddings this summer?
Great pic of you and your hubby. Two weddings in one weekend. Hope you got some rest this week!