Sunday, October 30, 2011

Goin' to a wedding . . Anna Claire's gonna get married . . .

Why do I stay so behind on my blogging?  I think one reason is because we have been studying James in Sunday School and on Tuesday nights . . .without a "book" . . .using just the Bible and about 6 commentaries . . .so I've been spending a lot of time in the scripture . . .which is a good thing . . .but it doesn't leave much time for writing.  Yes, I realize that was one incredibly long sentence with lots of . . . 's. 

So what is the post about anyway?  Anna Claire and Stuart's wedding!!!  The McKaskles moved to Birmingham several years ago and we became fast friends (as you can see from the recent beach post).  They have twin daughters who are a year or so older than our twins.  After spending several years in Alabama, they moved back to Nashville (and we miss them so much!).

We were invited to attend the wedding of Anna Claire (one of their twin daughters) and Stuart Day.  We were excited that Guy and Phella were also invited because we could all travel together.  As an aside . was a really good thing that we were travelling with them.  Mark had a little heart scare that week and so it was wonderful that Phella drove and that our doctor was in the car with us.  Mark is fine - cardiologist said that he has at least 30 more years on this heart!!  Ok - back to the story.

Phella drove the rest of us to Nashville and we checked into our hotel.  We were greeted with goody bags full of snack crackers and bottled water and chocolate and a cute little book with info about the wedding and places to go.  Mark was greeted by a HUGE picture from our recent trip to the beach.  Hayden and Guy buried Mark in an Auburn chair . .with an empty beer can propped on the mound of sand on his chest.  I didn't have my camera because the battery was charging but Jan had her phone on the beach that day.  She had the picture blown up into a 16 X 20 photo and left it at the front desk.  It was quite funny.

After checking into the hotel, we hurried into the hotel and freshened up and left for the wedding.  I think we "cleaned up" quite well.  It was a 7:00 wedding so we were dressed a little more formally than normal.

The wedding was held at Wightman Chapel at the Scarritt Bennett Center in Nashville.  The architecture in this place is amazing.

After the wedding, we drove to the reception . . .and I left my camera in the car.  I wore new high (high for me) heels and I swear . . .I thought my feet were going to fall off before the night was over.  I found this picture of the venue on the internet.  A full orchestra played Big Band music for the reception.  They also had a margarita machine!!  (this picture is not pretty like the reception - the decorations were lovely!!)  There was also an artist sitting in a corner and she painted the reception . . .during the reception.  After the reception, we had to walk a block or so back to the parking deck . . .my feet hurt so much that I walked barefoot on the nasty Nashville downtown street!!

After the reception, we went back to our hotel and crashed.  It had been a long day for all of us.  We had planned to "sleep in" on Saturday morning, but there was construction going on next door and they began at 6:00 a.m.  The "beeping" sounded like an alarm clock.  I thought it was a garbage truck but the noise never stopped!!  We got up and got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.  Mark loves breakfast and rarely gets to eat a big breakfast.  He once again had an omelet on top of his waffles. 

After breakfast, we drove over to Hayden and Jan's house.  Isn't it cute???

This is a picture of one of the wreaths that was on the door to the chapel.  So pretty.

Grandmother had baked cookies for Ben.  Since we were right there in Nashville and he is a student at Vanderbilt . . and he knows Hayden and Jan . . .he met us at their house for a cookie drop.  I snapped a quick picture of Ben and Uncle Mark.
Lisa Hapgood and Mike and Cammie Quinn were also invited to the wedding and we all went over to Hayden and Jan's house on Saturday morning.  (the wedding was on Friday night)  Jan has a red kitchen table which I love!!
This is just a picture of some of the cool architectural details on their house.
 I realize that this is a random post . . jumping all over the place!!  I guess that is ok since I'm a middle aged mom :-)  I feel so blessed to have been able to spend time with our good friends!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

do we really have to go home???

On Sunday morning, there were just four of us left . . .and we are all early risers. The lights were still turned on down on the pier. Isn't it lovely?

The sun was not up yet . . .

Sea oats in the morning light . . .on a cold and gray winter day, I need to be able to bring this picture to mind

The sun was beginning to rise and there was a warm glow of light on the beach.


Mark had to fish just a little more so that on his own cold and gray days, he can close his eyes and remember.  Ah - that is probably not true.  Do guys do that?


I know that you aren't supposed to stare at the sun . . .so I didn't . . .I just held my camera up in the air and snapped away.


I was just playing with the camera and different settings in the early morning light.


This plant with pretty flowers was growing through the metal fence around the pool . . .look at that early morning dew.
Memories until next time . . .

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day three of the beach . . .there were no pictures on day two!!

We arrived at the beach on Thursday . . .and for some reason, I did not take enough pictures this year. I think I was too busy talking and visiting.  Hayden and Jan had to drive back to Panama City on Saturday night to catch an early flight back to Nashville . . .because their daughter was getting married (and is now married) in just two short weeks.  So they packed up and we all put on our nicest beach clothes and headed outside for some group picture taking.  At one point, we had taken so many pictures and Mark said, "what is this?  a wedding?  why are we taking so many pictures?"  Of course, we just kept taking pictures.  Here we are crammed into the elevator . . .

Hayden and Jan were loading their car and I snapped a cute picture of Guy and Phella.  I always love their pictures as a couple.

Here is the whole crew - year five - we are all in our 50's now . . .and we are a pretty fun group.  I hope we will still be taking a group picture at the beach . . . in September . . .when we are in our 70's . . . and maybe even 80's!!  When Mark had his arteriogram last week, the doctor told him that his heart has at least 30 more years . . .he is the oldest in the group . . .so hopefully, we will still be going to the beach in our 80's.  (that was a weird thought process - sorry!!)

Yes, we were trying to make sure that sailboat was in the picture.  We were acting pretty silly.

I love this picture of Hayden and Jan . . .except I think Hayden's eyes are closed.  Wonder if I could photoshop in some open eyes!!

Here we are and I have no idea what Mark is saying . . .this could be the "what are we doing?  Are we in a wedding?" comment time.

ok - there is a story behind this picture.  On Friday night, Jan and Phella and I went to the outlet mall.  We left the "boys" at the condo.  When we returned . . .I kid you not . . .we found all three guys sitting on the sofa in the condo . . .watching the Shopping Channel.  Now . . . .we think that it was staged,  like the picture below, but we don't know for sure.  They were actually able to tell us what the product was on the tv screen . . . .I was honestly so shocked that I didn't even think to grab the camera!!  So here they are - recreating the moment for us.

I love this picture - the sun is setting and the glow is hitting their faces . . .I think this was a staged picture also!!

Yes, Mark is standing "IN" the big fishing net . . .and yes, we were acting like a bunch of fools with a camera.

The girls . . .I think this is a pretty good picture of the three of us.  There is such joy on our faces.

The sun . . .needs no words.  God's beauty.

Mark's eyes are closed in this one . . .see that pretty sun in the background.

I love the beach!! I love this time of laughter and fun!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

day one - fall beach trip 2011

We love our fall beach trip!! This year was year five and we are already looking forward to next year!! We always leave early in the morningn so that we can arrive in time for a late lunch at the Original Oyster House. When we pulled into town, the bottom fell out of the sky. It was raining so hard!! We all ran into the restaurant and began the "catching up" portion of the week-end . . . which actually continued all week-end!! After lunch, we picked up our keys and stopped by the store for a few items. I had told everyone that I had made homemade pimento cheese but didn't bring crackers . . .so Jan politely borrowed a few from the basket at the restaurant. If you know me . . you know that I'm LOUD . . .and while we were in Walmart, I yelled down the aisle at Jan - "Hey - do we need any more crackers other than the ones you stole!!" Then we all laughed hysterically.  I guess you had to be there with us for it to be funny!!  When we arrived at the condo, we unloaded everything and decided to go sit on the beach even though the skies were gray.

Mark found this "thing" on the beach . . .we still don't know what it is . . .sea snake?  I need to google it!

He played with it and "pondered" about the origin of his "snake."

I, on the other hand, buried my toes in the sand and began the process of relaxing!!

Guy and Phella and Hayden and Jan went for a really long walk.  The waves were gorgeous!!

I tried to take my own picture - not too successful!!
Mark had also begun the process of relaxation!!

I think this picture was actually taken on a different day . . .Mark has been trying to kill the beavers that are destroying the trees at the farm . . .We wrote our names on our cups . . and Jan wrote "Beaver Killer" on Mark's cup.  He seems pleased.

Since we had eaten a large lunch, we had pimento cheese and crackers and hummus and pita chips and apple slices and cheese slices . . .and margaritas!!!