I snapped a few photos before dinner while everyone was sitting around chatting. I was practicing some of the techniques that I learned in my photography class last Saturday - like using the right settings on the camera :-) I think this one is wonderful of Grandmother (that is what I call my mother-in-law) and Grace (my niece).
Grandmother was a good sport about blowing out the candles!!
Alice made a pretty centerpiece. I love those sunflowers.
The birthday girl had lots of presents!
Bill and Rebecca watched grandmother open her gifts.
Look at that cool lamp behind Alice. I think it is so unique. Alice has lots of neat pieces of furniture and fun decorations that she has "inherited" from her family.
What a great day! Another year celebrated in the life of a wonderful southern lady. I hear many of my friends complain about their mother-in-laws - as a matter of fact, I've even heard about the "mother-in-law from hell." I'm not saying that I NEVER complain about grandmother because I do . . .because that is just life . . .BUT I think that Alice and Rebecca and Bob and I have one of the best mother-in-laws around.
speaking of great mother-in-laws, i've certainly won the lottery in that department as well :)