I once saw a scrapbook page titled, "A day in the life of . . ." and I thought it was a neat idea but I thought to myself, "my days aren't that exciting." I decided that Friday was such a busy day that it would be a good day to document. I checked my work email first . . .isn't that ridiculous? On my off day . . .

I worked on the John
Ortberg study that we've been doing with the young adults.

I worked on the Sunday School lesson.

I grilled four pork tenderloins . . .three for friends and one for us.

I folded a lot of clothes - many loads :-)

I bought some groceries. Aren't those peppers pretty?

Kristi - this part is just for you! I baked a carrot cake using my mother-in-law's recipe . . .and I wore my shower cap while I baked! Not a hair net . . .but a standard issue - from some hotel at some time in the past . ..shower cap!!

This is the cake I baked . . .using carrots from our Grow Alabama box.

We finished off our Friday night with dinner with friends at Dale's Restaurant. We laughed and talked and had a great time. I love my job but I love my Fridays!!
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