Wednesday, December 4, 2024

A $5 Hodgepodge

Thanks to Joyce for the questions! It is Wednesday, so it must be Hodgepodge day!!

1. What's the best $5 gift to give someone? A gift card to Starbucks? Will $5 buy a drink at Starbucks? A candy bar, perhaps? You could buy a book at the Dollar Tree (where things cost more than a dollar now). 

2. What's your favorite way to relax/unwind during the busy holiday season? I don't listen to music often, but I do enjoy listening to Christmas songs - fun, hymns, traditional - all of them. I also love to buy a jumbo coloring book "for the granddaughters" and color a few pictures. Adult coloring books don't work for me. Coloring a picture of a big reindeer is much more fun :-).

3. How do you feel about gingerbread? Love it or no thanks? Are gingerbread houses a part of your holiday tradition? If you said yes, how does that look? Do you like ginger flavor in other kinds of dishes? My mother-in-law used to buy Ginger Snaps when our kids were younger. I like the flavor of ginger. I love Canada Dry Ginger Ale and I love a Moscow Mule. We didn't make Gingerbread houses when our kids were young, but have made them with our oldest granddaughter. This year, I bought a foam Gingerbread house kit for our middle granddaughter and we put it together several times when we went to visit. It was a Gabbi's Gingerbread house . . .and she loves Gabbi.

4. December 5th is National Blue Jeans Day...will you be celebrating? Do you have a favorite brand? A favorite pair? Do you have a hard time parting with a favorite pair of jeans? Blue jeans-joggers-leggings-yoga pants...which one do you wear most often? I've already worn jeans to work two days this week. I won't be "celebrating," but I might be wearing them. I have a very hard time finding jeans. I much prefer the jeggings style (which is "out" this year, but I'll still be wearing them). Most pants legs are way too big for my legs. There is an Ava and Viv pair that I love . . . I have two or three pairs of those. I do have two pair of wide legs and I wear them, but I feel silly in them. 

5. As we head into this holiday season what's your biggest priority or goal for the end of the year? We are in the "putting one foot in front of the other" stage at this point. That is our goal -- one moment at a time.

6. Insert your own random thought here. We have our tree up but not decorated. Hopefully, that will come soon! My second random thought -- I made six pans of cornbread last night for the young adults. We are having a cold snap here in Alabama and I made Plain Chicken's Crack Chicken Chili (6 times the recipe) and 6 pans of cornbread. They loved it.


  1. Wow! 6 pans of cornbread and chicken chili. What a great way to treat the young adults! Those ginger bread construction photos are so much fun. Happy Advent to you and yours!

    1. Those photos were from two different years and it is always so amazing to me how quickly children grow!! Thanks!!

  2. That Gabbi's gingerbread house looks right up my alley - lol! I hadn't heard that jeggings were 'out' (who makes those rules, anyway), but l'm too old to worry what other people think.

    1. I've worn my jeggings this week . . .I guess I'm feeling the same way. Why worry? Right?

  3. I still wear jeggings too. I am small framed and think and I have to wear what fits. I think I want to get some premade gingerbread kits for the grands. That corn bread looks good, and I bet it taste good too!

    1. I don't normally brag on my cooking BUT I make excellent cornbread according to my husband!

  4. WOW... that cornbread and chicken chili.... yum, yum.
    Happy Christmas Season!

    1. It was cold here on Tuesday night and that meal warmed us all!

  5. I love that you color with your granddaughters! I'm watching mine in just a few days while my daughter goes to her OB appointment. I think new coloring books are the perfect thing!

    1. New coloring books are ALWAYS the perfect thing . . .sometimes I even buy new crayons just because!

  6. That's a lot of cornbread!! How nice you can treat them to a home cooked meal each week. I am not a big fan of the super wide legged jeans on most people. Some can get away with it and look stylish but I'm not one of them : ) I prefer kids coloring books too. The pictures are bigger! Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Grieving is always difficult but especially so this time of year. My dad died on December 5 (32 years ago) and my sisters and I always say no matter how many years pass we feel an edge of sadness at the holidays still. Take care.

    1. I had a telehealth visit with a counselor yesterday. I met with her for a full year after the fire but haven't needed to in many months. She really helped me talk through some of my feelings. Grief is such a weird emotion - hits at strange moments, eeks out in other areas of our lives. Thank you for your kind words.

  7. Great houses and great photos!! I enjoyed your post!!

  8. Oh yummm! Cornbread and chili!! What a treat. Some years when there's been a delay between putting the tree up and decorating it, we've thought seriously about having JUST the lights on the tree - it's so pretty! Hope you're having a great week!

    1. I finally started putting ornaments on last night!

  9. I loved your idea of buying someone a book for 5 bucks. That's a great idea. My husband has been rebuying the classics and other stuff he wants to read and I am thinking that would be a thoughtful gift.
