Wednesday, January 29, 2025

What A Year, Huh? Hodgepodge

I am joining up with Joyce at From This Side of the Pond. She very graciously writes the Hodgepodge questions each week and we all jump in to answer them! Give me some good news today!

1. What was your after school routine like when you were a kid? I grew up in a small(ish) blue collar town/city so most of the time, we walked to elementary, middle, and high. I don't remember our morning routine. After school, we walked home. There were 17 kids living on our block at one time so there were lots of kids walking the same way. We had an after school snack and then did homework before we could play. We ate supper around 5:30. When I was a little bit older, I remember talking to friends on the phone at night. We had one phone and you could stretch that phone cord around the corner. When I was younger, I remember we went to bed at 9:00 and before bed, we had a bath. We only had one bathroom so that meant taking turns.

2. January 26 is National Green Juice Day ( I guess it's true everything really does have it's day). Do you juice, as in make your own in an attempt to get healthy? Do you do the green juices? What's your favorite kind of juice (home blended or store bought, either one)? I do not juice (using juice as a verb). We do not own a juicer. I rarely drink juice of any kind, unless it is cranberry juice in a cocktail (no pun intended). When the grandkids are here, we keep apple juice on hand. I don't think I've ever consumed any of the green juices. 

3. What's something trivial about which you have a strong opinion? I tried to think of the silliest thing possible but all I could come up with . . .I have a strong opinion about how we fold our towels. Since we redid our bathroom after the fire, we roll our towels. I like the more finished edge of the "roll" facing outward. Our towels are stored on pull out shelves behind the glass doors on the right.

4. What do you need more of in your life? Less of? I need more time. I know we all have 24 hours and I try to use those hours wisely . . .but, there are days I could use more. I probably need less distractions. After typing that answer, I feel like I'm missing an important thought. I can't wait to read everyone's answers!!

5. Give us three adjectives to describe your January. Stressful, Worrisome (though we are trying to focus on Jesus), Cold (though it has warmed up some this week!)

6. Insert your own random thought here. 



  1. Your bathroom is so pretty! We have some rolled towels in a basket in one of our bathrooms but I never thought about storing towels rolled inside bathroom cabinets. I will reconsider my towel storage... My house growing up only had one bathroom as well. We made do but we complained a lot as all became teenagers! Have a great day!

    1. Thank you! It was one of the few spaces not damaged by the fire, but when we were rebuilding, we decided to redo the room. I'm so glad we did! I love the way the rolled towels look on the shelf.

  2. I almost said "fewer distractions" as well. I feel like I allow myself to get off on some tangent, even if it is positive. Sometimes I'll be working and then decide to randomly clean something.

    1. I am pretty sure I have ADHD because I have been known to be in the middle of washing dishes . . .and stop to do something else. Or I might be in the middle of making up the bed . . .and run into the next room to do something. I get it all done. It just takes longer.

  3. Ahh! The after school memories. Kids these days will never understand the struggle of corded phones. hehehe
    I will roll our towels if I am feeling fancy but usually they just get folded in the normal way.
    Yes! I went with more hours in the day too! Maybe if there were less distractions I wouldn't need them.

    1. I started rolling the towels when we had a photoshoot at the house. Like you said, I was feeling fancy haha!! I liked the way they looked, so I've kept on rolling!!

  4. I'm so easily distracted ... by all the needless things. I'd love having a spacious pretty linen closet, but that's pretty low on my priorities list right now. I'm praying for your son's speedy recovery.

  5. Ha! I laughed about the towels. ;-)
    Sending you a HUG!!

  6. Ha ha, I grew up with one bathroom as well. It always worked out and quite honestly I don’t know how!

  7. Yes, stretching that phone cord till it could stretch no more and taking turns for baths but it all worked out. My favorite juice is Cranberry Juice. I feel that random thought!!

  8. That extra long phone cord at our house was twisted and stretched about as far as it would go. The phone was on a wall in the kitchen, right by my dad's chair at the table. Of course, when it was a friend we would stretch as far as it would go into the dining room and sit on the floor talking. That brings back memories!! LOL A fun Hodgepodge!!

  9. Your bathroom is pretty - looks so light and airy! I used to be really fussy about how the towels were folded. Well, I still am, but I'm also at a point where if they get folded at all it's a win so I can tolerate it if they aren't folded exactly right. Hope you have a great week!

  10. You reminded me of that one phone in the house with a cord. We've really lived the life of change through technology. You have a great memory with lots of details my brain can't bring up. Sorry for the craziness and difficult times the month has brought.

  11. I answered more time too - the days seem to fly by and I get nothing done. Love your random thought. I've never thought about rolling our towels - not sure they'd fit in the same space but I am very meticulous on how I fold things like t-shirts and underwear lol

  12. I like your answers for more and less, I would love a few more hours in the day and maybe less distractions would give me that.

  13. I think everyone wishes for more time, especially as we age. (I have missed visiting your blog.)
