Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sunday Stealing

Hey friends! I left a message for our fearless leader at Sunday Stealing. I hope all is well. I pulled up an old set of questions for 2013 and thought I would answer these. I even copied and pasted where she found these questions.

This week's questions come from Helena at Skyblue

1}Which do you prefer in the am: Coffee or tea? Neither! I drink Diet Pepsi when I awaken. I have a Diet Pepsi while Mark has a cup of coffee with a lot of half and half in it.

2} Work has been cancelled on the spur of the momentClean house and do errands, Or just fun things? If work has been cancelled on the spur of the moment, it means there is a major tornado threat or snow and ice. If it is either of those, I will be hunkered down. Is "hunkered down" a southern expression?

3} Middle of the hot summer, vacation atMountains or Beach? We love the beach. Alabama has the most beautiful white sand beaches.

4}You have to travel at a leisure speed: Train, plane or car? Mark nor I never want to move at leisure speed. I'm normally a rule follower . . .except for speed limits! I hate when I'm with some one and they aren't driving at least the speed limit . . .or I'm stuck behind someone driving 40 miles an hour on the interstate. If I'm in a plane, it better not be flying at leisure speed. If I have to chosse, I guess I would choose riding a train at leisure speed because you could see everything.

5} To relax: A movie or a book? I love to escape into a good book.

6} What kind of pets? Dog, cat, bird or fish. We had a cat named Harvey, but we had to have him put to sleep in August. I miss him every day.

7} Dream home: Hard wood floors or carpeting? We have hardwood floors throughout our home except in the laundry room and bathrooms. We have tile in those rooms.

8} a fun activitycards, bingo or blogging? We rarely play cards and I can't remember the last time I played bingo. I do enjoy blogging. I also enjoy crafting when I have time.

9} First date: Dinner, movie or a hike? Dinner. I'll tell you why -- if you go to a movie, you sit in the dark and you don't talk so you don't get to know each other. If you go on a hike on your first date, you would be all sweaty and I might be huffing and puffing.

10}The first Kiss: peck on the cheek, or a long romantic one? Are we talking about my first kiss? If so, I was kissed while standing under the mistletoe in a hallway at church when I was a young teenager. The kiss was from Mike Parker who was several years older and I had a crush on him. It was a quick kiss on the lips.


  1. I agree with you on dinner for a first date. No carpet in my house! I'm sorry about your Harvey. It is hard to lose a fur-baby. Have a week ahead full of blessings!

    1. I miss him every day. We had him longer than I have ever had a pet in my entire life!! Happy Monday to you!

  2. I love the beach and mountains. I would like to go to the mountains this winter and see snow. I think dinner would be good for a first date. I went to a basketball game for our first date and then a burger place and it was nice. I do remember my first boyfriend and my husband met him. Thanks for triggering sweet memories!

    1. A basketball game would be a good first date, especially followed by dinner. You would have things to discuss!

  3. I see you've done the same thing I decided to start doing. Things are happening fast, aren't they. I hope your family issues resolve themselves soon.
