Monday, November 10, 2014

Birthday month

This month, my "babies" will have a birthday and they will be 28 years old.  How could that be?  Surely I am just 28 years old myself!!!  Actually, I was 28 years old when I gave birth to these two babies . . .and I was scared to death.  I remember that day (actually that "in the middle of the night") like it was just yesterday.

Our funny story from that night - and this is TRUE . . .Mark had a company car - seems like maybe it was a TBird.  My water had broken and it was not time - they were coming 6 weeks early!  Mark made me stand in the driveway and wait while he covered his seats with black plastic bags and then he made me sit on them on the way to the hospital so that I wouldn't ruin the company car.  Today I can laugh about it - not so much back then!!

Another funny story - our neighbor was a nurse practitioner and she had been over to visit earlier in the evening.  When my water broke . . .we weren't sure . . .so we called her!  In the middle of the night, we called our neighbor and woke her up to ask her if she thought my water had broken!

I stayed in the hospital with my babies for several days and I had the hardest time telling them apart (of course, I could tell them apart if I was changing their diaper).  I kept having to ask "who do I have? who am I holding?"  Of course, that only lasted a day or so and then I knew who they were by their cry and many other ways - in addition to looks.

It seems like they should still be little . . .or at least in kindergarten . . .or maybe college.  How could they possibly be grown ups?

They are indeed grown up and I am so proud of them.  This picture was taken several years ago but it was the only one in my computer.  I'm glad it was there because now I have not just two children but three!!

Where has the time gone? Faster . . .and faster . . .and faster :-)

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