Lauren was hiding behind her pile of gifts!!

She was opening Glenn's gifts to her . . .and he had used her tissue paper party decorations as the tissue paper in her bags. Pretty creative, if you ask me!!!

I swear, I think Lauren had an "Elliott" kind of birthday. She got a pair of camouflage overalls. Doesn't that sound just like a gift that we would be buying for Mark or George or Glenn????

She also got a pair of Hunter Boots . . .and Mark had not seen them before I wrapped them. When she opened them, he ran down to the basement and brought up his Burly Boots!! He and Lauren match. Mark informed us that his only cost only about $40 (they are $69.99 now!! - could his be old?). He also told her that she needed someone around when she wears them because you can't get them off by yourself!!!

Lauren and I share a love of German Chocolate Cake . . .so for the second year in a row, I made a homemade German Chocolate cake by Mark's momma's recipe. It is so very good. The filling between the layers is a to die for mixture of coconut and other yumminess. The icing is a smooth and delicious chocolate. This is the only kind of chocolate cake and chocolate icing that I really like . . .as a matter of fact, I have a tendency to eat the filling and the icing and give Mark my cake!!

I thought the cake was really pretty!!
But of course, that was not the end of our celebrating!! We celebrate all birthdays at Grandmother's house on Sunday . . .every birthday is on Sunday!!!
We had not one . . .not two . . .but three birthday cakes. Mark's momma made German Chocolate cake for Lauren (one was at the first of the month and the other was toward the end!!), pound cake with divinity icing for Glenn . . .and I bought a caramel cake for Laura. I was supposed to make a funfetti cake (which Mark's momma refuses to make because it is not homemade) but I pooped out. We had our regular Tuesday night group and then on Thursday night, we had our supper club at our house and by the weekend, I just couldn't make another cake. Laura loves caramel so I hope she enjoyed it!!
Here is a stack of presents - aren't presents fun???
I made them light each cake - one at a time - so I could photograph the birthday boy or girl. They thought I was nuts - so . . .what's new???
girls get 16 candles - sweet 16 and boys get 21 . . .that is the way mark's mom always does it :-)
Another year older . . .another year wiser . . .I sure do love all three of them!! They are special young adults!!!
Just had to throw this picture in . . .we've all been trained by the expert to cut a cake . . .if you ever need a lesson, just let me know - hee hee!
this makes me happy :)