This last weekend, I had a few moments to read and my book of choice was The Noticer by Andy Andrews. Earlier in the summer I read one of his other books (Island of Saints)and loved it so I went to the Hoover library and checked out The Noticer for our weekend at the beach. There is nothing like sitting in a chair on the beach, soaking up some sun and reading a good book. Now my husband would disagree with that!!

Jones is one of the main characters in the book and he has some wonderful nuggets of wisdom. They are those statements that make you stop and think about your own life and what is truly important. Here are a few of them:
“Remember, what you focus on increases.” (p. 13)
“It’s time to stop letting your history control your destiny.” (p. 13)
“People are either in a crisis, coming out of one, or headed for one.” (p. 31)
“Worry is just imagination used in an unproductive way.” (p. 51) -- HOW TRUE!!
“Wisdom is the ability to see the future consequences of our choices.” (p. 65)
“It takes wisdom to discern that oh-so-thin line between good and best.” (p. 65)
“Many of life’s treasures remain hidden because we never search for them.” (p. 83) I NEED TO START SEARCHING!!
“If you are still here, then you have not completed your life’s purpose.” (p. 83)
“Big stuff is made up of small stuff, so you better sweat the small stuff!” (p. 103)
“We often judge ourselves by our intentions but others by their actions.” (p. 111) THIS ONE SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE!!
“If you want folks to believe in you, then it really helps if they like you.” (p. 136)
“Life is a little like dessert. Keep your fork; the best is yet to come!” (p. 149)
“In desperate times, much more than anything else, folks need perspective.” (p. 154)
I've added my notes in all caps. I really recommend this book. What books have you read recently that you would recommend? I love to hear what other folks are reading.
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