Wednesday, December 2, 2020

2020 hodgepodge

1. Here we are entering the last month of the year 2020. 2020!! Every year The Oxford English Dictionary publishing team chooses a word that captures the general mood of the year we're leaving behind, or the one word that will leave a lasting impact on the world at large. This year they needed sixteen words in order to cover the whole enchilada. 

While two of the other major dictionaries selected pandemic as their word of the year, Oxford came up with a long list including-bushfire, impeachment, acquittal, coronavirus, COVID-19, lockdown, social distancing, reopening, Black Lives Matter, Cancel Culture, BIPOC, mail-in, belarusian, moonshot, net zero (read more about each word here)

Of the words listed which ONE would you say should be in the number 1 spot? Which word/phrase on this list would you be happy to never hear again? 

I can't believe that unprecedented didn't make the list! I feel like it has been used over and over again. I hope I never have to experience another pandemic in my lifetime. The number one spot would go to COVID-19. It is in multiple headlines every single day. 

2. What one word from your own list of words describing this year sums up/best reflects your 2020? Tell us why. 

Home might be my word. We have spent so much time in our home and in our yard. 

3. Do you like peppermint? Peppermint mocha, a candy cane, peppermint bark, peppermint tea, York Peppermint Pattie, peppermint ice cream...of the peppermint treats listed, which one is your favorite? Will you bake anything featuring peppermint this holiday season? 

I love the smell of peppermint essential oil which is sort of bizarre because I have horrible allergies and scents usually send me over the edge. I like peppermint in candy cane form. I detest peppermint and chocolate. I will not be baking with peppermint.

4. Besides Christmas, what do you associate the color red with? How about the color green? 

Red is one of my favorite colors. I always think of a red dress as a power dress. I think of the cross and flame of the UMC when I think of red. I always think of growth when I see green.

5. Is your tree up? Real or artificial? Is your house decorated? Is your shopping done? Started? Wrapped? On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being Scrooge-like and 10 being Buddy the Elf, how's your Christmas spirit? 

Our tree is not up. We will buy a real tree sometime this week. We are thinking about putting it on our screen porch this year instead of in the house! This is hubby's idea and I'm thinking about going with it since we won't be entertaining. We have decorated most of the front outside of the house. It is tradition in our neighborhood for everyone to put white lights in our front trees. I have two porches on the front and I have garland and lights and bows up. I have started my Christmas shopping but it is not complete yet. I feel like maybe we all "need a little Christmas this year" so maybe I'm feeling more like Buddy the Elf this year. I need to watch a few Christmas movies to get me "in the spirit."

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We now have a family member (not in our household) with covid. I personally know several people who have had it or have it. I wish folks would wear their masks correctly - over the nose and mouth. I cannot imagine what the hospitalization numbers are going to look like in the next few weeks because a lot of people had large gatherings for Thanksgiving.

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