Thursday, November 30, 2017

Throwback Thursday

This morning, I was scrolling through the pictures on my Surface Pro and I realized that my pictures on my tablet go as far back as December 2011.  I pulled some just for memories today.

Becky (one of my sisters) and Joann (our step-mom) . . .
our step-mom died this year - she was a lovely woman
inside and out.

John Wesley folks (our Sunday School
class) making PB&J sandwiches for a
local shelter

Laura (l) and Kim (r) - I love laughter and this picture makes
me so happy

more friends - dressed up for a wedding
at our age, we get to go to lots
of fun weddings!!

Hubby hanging out with the guys

different wedding!!

more sweet friends at the same wedding

popsicles with friends - now that
is awesome!!

Can you sense a theme here? Memories and friendships?
We MUST get together with these friends soon - we've
promised to do a better job of "meeting in the middle"
but our busy lives have intervened

oh my goodness - I miss this sweet friend
there will always be a hole in my heart
Without Nancy, I wouldn't know

This was our annual Talbots shopping spree - sister-in-law,
sweet mother-in-law and me several years ago

I sure do love these folks!  Our kids and some of our nephews
(we are missing Grace in this picture)

friends having fun at a New Year's Eve
party at our house several years ago

more sweet friends - who have now moved
out of town

love this picture!!

this one is pretty cute, too!!

Sweet Katie -- and Mark's eyes are closed
We are so glad that Katie is cancer free now!!

more friends - helping with a wedding shower
mixing the "punch"

Three sweet friends - one just happens to be my
sister-in-law, too

Lots of sweet Sunday School friends - hosting a couple's

I just needed to be reminded today of all those in our life - those we love (this is by NO MEANS a picture of everyone we love!! -- lots of folks are not present in these pictures).  I just snatched a few from my photo folder and took a trip down memory lane . . .needed to be reminded that I am loved and that I LOVE, too!  Bonus - I smiled a lot and remembered a lot!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for commenting -- just read your most recent post and loved hearing about your life!!
