Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick or Treat?

I love Halloween and one thing I really miss is brainstorming for costume ideas and making the costumes. Over the years, I have made princess dresses and a sheep costume and an unbelievable power ranger outfit! When our kids were younger, there were lots of kids on our street and on Halloween evening you could hear the laughter and talking and the doorbell rang continuously. Everyone on our street grew up at the same time. This year we only had two trick or treaters. So sad!! But I am so blessed to work in a church and our church has a special class and also a mother's day out program and an all day care facility. They all get to have a parade. This year, I went to the smaller of the parades - the special class and mother's day out. Here is the special class getting ready to lead the parade.

Here they are as they walk around the gym leading the parade. The bleachers were filled with parents and as always there was lots of noise. Cameras were flashing and children were crying! Perfect!!

There were some cute costumes. One of my favorites was a little lamb (riding in the bye bye buggy and I didn't get a picture). I heard that the big sister was Little Bo Peep. What a great costume idea.

So on Halloween, this middle aged mom was a little sad that there were no little folks running around in cute costumes. BUT this middle aged mom certainly did enjoy the parade at work.

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