Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Weekend in Review - Labor Day

About a week ago I was feeling sorry for us because we had no plans for the long weekend. It turned out to be just the right amount of down time plus some fun time.

I'm taking American History this semester and I did a lot of homework - we had several short writing assignments and I was able to knock those out.

It rained one afternoon and we went shoe shopping for our Egypt/Greece/Turkey trip that is coming soon. We both bought a pair of Hokas.

I worked Sunday morning and Mark went to worship. Our daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter #2 and granddaughter #3 arrived in time for a lunch of sandwiches and baked fries.

Later in the afternoon, our son and daughter-in-law, and granddaughter #1 arrived (pictured below). There was playtime with Pops and the Barbies. There was a little playtime in the park. There was some deviled egg making. They have chickens and the eggs were laid Sunday morning and were on our table Sunday night.

She did a great job with mommy's help.

There was a tiny bit of whining regarding the swings. Granddaughter #1 let Granddaughter #2 have the swing she wanted . . .even though her legs practically dragged the ground.

Mark's twin brother, wife, daughter, and fiance came along with Mark's sister and her husband. I think we had 14 for dinner. Their other brother and his wife were unable to attend. He had chemo #4 on Friday so he may not have been feeling well.

On Saturday, Mark and I made his mother's sour cream pound cake to serve for dessert. I thought it looked great. Mark said we need to cut the baking time by five minutes next time. Our oven must be hotter than his mother's was.

Look at chunky monkey in her cute frog seat. She is starting to babble and laugh. She is 5 months now. This seat was great because we put her on the island while I cooked breakfast.

She is five months old now. You might remember -- she was born at not quite 35 weeks. She is grabbing things and studying them intently.

I had a Williams Sonoma credit and I got the tiny pumpkin waffle maker. I want to use it every day!

Look at those cute waffles!!

They timed their departure between bottles so were on the road again by lunchtime. It was a short visit but a good visit. After they left, Mark and I took a nap! I washed all of the sheets and put clean ones on the upstairs beds and packed up the pack and play from my office and studied some more.

Did you rest any over the Labor Day weekend? Or did you just go, go, go??


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