Wednesday, July 31, 2024

It's a Beany Hodgepodge

1. What is a childhood habit or preference you will never outgrow? My grandpa had a big garden and my daddy had a little garden and I grew up eating tomato sandwiches. I still love tomato sandwiches. When tomatoes were abundant, we often ate them at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. For breakfast, we might have scrambled eggs, grits, and sliced tomatoes. For lunch, we had either a tomato sandwich or a bologna sandwich with tomatoes on it. For dinner, we might have fried okra, field peas, maybe a piece of some sort of meat, and you guessed it . . .sliced tomatoes. Mark thinks it is totally weird that I would eat a tomato for breakfast.

I also grew up reading all of the time - especially in the summer. Back then, we walked or road our bikes to the local library and lugged home bags of books. These days, I usually purchase my books in kindle format and have them instantly delivered to my kindle, phone, and laptop. I still love to read.

I don't know if either of those are really examples of a childhood habit or preference that I never outgrew, but I couldn't think of anything else. I don't bite my nails. I don't "twiddle" my hair like my sister and my daughter! I'll be interested in reading other's response to this question.

2. Did you know July is beans month? What's your favorite bean? Your favorite recipe that calls for beans? When it comes to chili are you team beans or team no beans?  I did not know that July is beans month. My favorite bean is probably black beans though I do love pinto beans. That is another thing that Mark didn't grow up eating -- pinto beans! I actually like most all of the beans and peas that we have available. I do love a good black bean and corn salad/dip. It is easy and just requires a little chopping. I am team beans for chili. I love regular chili and white chicken chili.

3. Some historical figures have a tag line after their name, something like 'the brave' or 'the wise' or 'the mad'...what would your tag line be? Explain why? Let's see . . .how about Lisa, the 66 year-old college student? Or Lisa, the crazy one? Or Lisa, the really loud talker and laugher?All of those are pretty self explanatory!

4. The way to my heart is through words of affirmation and acts of service

5.  The calendar rolls into August this week, but before we go give us four adjectives that describe your July. This is what immediately popped into my head and they each happen to be four words -- "Where did July go?" "How is July over?" Seriously. I feel like we blinked and July vanished.

6. Insert your own random thought here. I took my final on Tuesday. I actually asked (or maybe told??) my boss that for my mental health, I needed to go home and take it. He very graciously agreed. It was a two hour test and I used up one hour and 23 minutes of the time. Some of the questions were a little more difficult, but I had studied, and it was technically open book/open notes. I don't know if you remember this from your time in college, but sometimes open book and open notes take far too long. It is easier to know most of the info, rather than scrambling to find the info. This American Lit course had three textbooks and a million power point hand-outs. The last part of the final was an essay question and I think I did a lousy job on that portion, BUT I was just done. I went into the final with some extra points so I should still have an A for the semester. I'm tired and I have a lot to do at work over the next few days so I'm glad that I have a few days before fall semester starts. I'm thrilled!


  1. Open book tests sound good and easier than regular tests but I remember most of them being crazy hard. Congrats on your semester being finished. Starting the fall semester so soon? That is rough! But congrats for being in school and putting in all of the work to get good grades. I love a black bean/ corn salsa as well! Have a great day!

    1. Summer semester is a tad shorter than the others so there doesn't seem to be as long a break. I'm going to enjoy not having homework for a few days!

  2. I remember open book tests feeling harder than tests from memory. I'm sure you did well. We've had a lot of tomatoes this summer and I've made a lot of tomato sandwiches. I like tomatoes with my eggs or avocado toast with tomato for breakfast. Have a great day and enjoy the down time before the new semester starts!

    1. I need to get some avocados this week! One of the restaurants in town has a BALT - bacon, avocado, lettuce, and tomato sandwich!

  3. Open book is a trap, in my opinion, but only for students who use that as a crutch and didn't study! They think because they can easily look stuff up they'll be fine but it's a false sense of security. I love a good tomato!

    1. If you haven't studied, it takes even longer to look up things because you aren't familiar with the material!

  4. I remember open book tests as tough too, so many things to check and re-check, flipping through the texts. Good luck with the new semester, enjoy your time off.

  5. Only in the last few years have I learned to enjoy tomatoes -- but have yet to try them in a sandwich. Yes, I remember those open book tests. Props to you for going back to school and (no doubt) acing another exam!

    1. I love lots of black pepper on my tomato sandwiches!

  6. Fresh slices of tomato on fresh french bread was a wonderful treat when I was younger. It would be now, too. I smiled at your tag lines! Congratulations on finishing the course! Happy last day of July to you and enjoy your break from college.

    1. I've never had tomato on fresh french bread - yum!

  7. The first year, we didn't grow tomatoes—it gets so hot here that they practically stew on the vines! We need to get shade cover to protect our veggies.
    Enjoy this last day of July

    1. My brother-in-law's tomatoes have stopped producing due to the heat.

  8. Congrats on getting through that class and the final, and I hope you did great!

  9. I don't remember taking open book test. But I have been out of school for a long time! I like words of affirmation too, but the one who was really knew my love language was my dad. I am a giver like my mom was. Nothing better than home grown tomatoes! I do not like lima beans. I hope you can rest now that your test is done.

    1. I thought about this after I wrote my post -- there is actually one bean I don't really like. It is a big, white, dried butter bean. I like baby limas.

  10. Getting around to commenting..I liked your answer. I love a corn and bean salad..I wouuld not have thought of tomatoes for breakfast but will have it sometimes on avocado toast for breakfast. I agree about open book. When my girls did tests, sometimes I'd let them do open book. but only because they still weren't getting all the answer right, but then I"d let them go back and find the correct answers to ones they got wrong so they'd learn them. I homeschooled them.
