Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hot as H.E. double hockey sticks Hodgepodge

 I'm joining up with Joyce and the other Hodgepodgers for this week's questions.

1. Do you feel older or younger than your age? Elaborate. 99% of the time I feel much younger than my age. On Tuesday nights, we hang out with young adults. They keep us young! Most of my co-workers are younger than me and I forget that I’m not their age. I will say that when I am tired, I feel every day of my age. Sometimes I’m surprised when I see a photo of myself and realize that I’m old haha!

2. What's one thing you should toss right now, but just can't? There are some things in the veggie drawer of the refrigerator that I need to toss!! There are some things in our attic that we should toss. We cleaned out a lot when we moved to this house 10 years ago. We also cleaned out even more when we moved back in after the fire (the fire was two years ago this week and we weren’t back in the house yet last summer), we cleaned out more.

3. Have you visited many of the 63 National Parks in the US of A? You'll find a list here. Do you have a favorite? What National Park that you haven't seen do you most want to see? I was thinking that I had never been to any of the National Parks, but after looking at the list I realized I have been to a couple –I’ve been to the Smokey Mountains National Park several times and I’ve been to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. I would love to go to Joshua Tree and I would love to go to Kings Canyon and see the Sequoias.

4. How often do you get take out? What's your favorite? I get take out for lunch a couple of times a month. We get take out for dinner about the same – a couple of times a month. We much prefer to go to a restaurant with friends. We try to go out with friends at least 2 or 3 times a month. My favorite take out . . .We both enjoy Chick Fil A salads. I picked up hamburgers at a restaurant near us a week or so ago. We don't have a great Chinese place around us or I would probably get take out there more often. Sometimes I grab a salad with grilled shrimp from Tazikis. There is a salad I love at Green House in Homewood.

5. Do you have many (or any) subscriptions? Not necessarily magazines, but thinking more along the lines of boxes or products that companies offer, and you can sign up to receive on a regular basis. Could be weekly, monthly, quarterly, even daily. Tell us about them. I subscribe to a couple of cleaning products and beauty/bathroom products on Amazon. I also subscribe to Built Bar and get a shipment every few weeks. We subscribe to Garden and Gun Magazine and love it. I get some weird magazine that took the place of some other magazine that I used to receive. For six months or so, I did Stitch Fix and it was fun to get a box of clothes and jewelry.

6. Insert your own random thought here. Whew! It has been HOT here in Alabama. I took a church member on a tour of our prayer garden/columbarium on Tuesday morning (funeral planning). It was 9:00 a.m. and the minute we walked outside, we started sweating. Just in case H.E. double hockey sticks doesn't make sense to you . . .that would be H E L L (see those double hockey sticks??).


  1. Summer in SC is also pretty double hockey sticks too. We're in the lake a lot. I need to go up in my attic today and I'm dreading the heat. I wish I'd done this little task a month ago. I don't mind the heat during the day so much, but I really dislike opening my door at 5:45 am and getting smacked by a wall of humidity. Stay cool today!

    1. Our attic is so hot that it takes our breath away! I imagine yours is, too. I get up at 5:00 and today is the first day in several weeks where it didn't feel like someone threw a wet towel over my head. We had a tiny break in the humidity. In a few days, it will be back up to 98 with a heat index above that.

  2. Enjoyed reading your answers! Garden and Gun Magazine- I have not heard of that but I love the title. Alliteration and two things that you do not normally think of as going together! I thought originally that I had only been to two national parks, but in thinking about it more, I realized I had been to a few more. I´ll bet Hawaii Volcano is beautiful! Stay cool- it sounds a bit miserable but I´ll bet Alabama in January is better than Ohio in January!!

    1. Garden and Gun is actually a cool magazine. It is still printed on quality paper with beautiful photos and some interesting articles!! Yes -- we only have a couple of cold months and even then, I'm sure it is better here in January than in Ohio brrrr!

  3. This is the second mention of Stitch Fix in the Hodgepodge today, I'll have to check it out. We've had a five-day heat wave here in Washington but the temperatures are out of the 90s today.

    1. Stitch Fix is really cool! Check it out!

  4. Yes, we are in a very hot phase here, too. Yikes. 2 years already since the fire! Oops...I did forget about the Rifleman subscription we get. Kings Canyon is beautiful. Hope things cool down for you soon.

    1. Is Rifleman a magazine? Yes -- this morning when I was driving to work I was thinking about how two years ago we were moving into a hotel after one of the worst nights of our lives. That sounds dramatic . . .but we both cried a lot that night. God and his people showed up in full force and got us through it all!

  5. It is hotter than that here!! LOL I enjoyed your answers today. Have a good rest of the week!

    1. I hope you stay cool and have a great week!

  6. There's nothing like a household move to prompt purging! (That said, I'm still hanging onto a piece of formal wear for no other reason that sentimentality.)
    I love salads but never thought about trying Chick-Fil-A. Thanks for the tip!

  7. It's pretty hot here in NE La. too and so very humid. Cleaning out and getting rid of is pretty much a constant, especially at our ages. Have a good rest of this "hot" week!

  8. I love hanging out with young adults too, and I think having my young adult kids living at home for so long actually kept me young :-) Hope you're having a great week!

  9. Yeah it's hot here too but honestly, Phoenix was way hotter. I always said Florida was the hottest place but it turns out that I don't mind the humidity.
