Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hodgepodge PLUS Magazine Article


1. It's National Cheese Day (June 4)...does anyone not like cheese? What's your favorite? Last thing you ate or made with cheese? I love cheese! I like everything from Kraft Deluxe slices to Aldi’s Goat Cheese rolled in blueberries. I’m not as fond of stinky cheese. I can eat a little blue cheese crumbled on a salad. There is a salad at a local restaurant that has Gorgonzola crumbled on it and it is really good  . . . even though it is a blue. I ate cheese toast for breakfast on Sunday morning! I served Hash Brown Casserole to the young professionals on Tuesday night and it has lots of cheese. My son-in-law and his mother are allergic to cheese. It is hard to cook without adding cheese. So many of my recipes include cheese. Our family really LOVES cheese straws and I'm so glad I learned to make them!!

2. Last time you were instructed to 'say cheese!'? How do you feel about having your picture taken? We took a lot of photos on this day. I don’t remember if she told us to say cheese or not. We made the cover (which is a little embarrassing)! It is not my favorite photo . . . and she used some creative license in the article. There were several very important people who showed up the night of the fire and the next morning and none of that made it into the article. Back to the photos, Mark’s family says I always take great photos – I don’t know about that. Mark really dislikes having his photo taken.

3. What's your travel packing strategy? Are you typically a light packer or do you throw in everything but the kitchen sink? When flying do you check a bag or aim for carry on only? I try to take an outfit per day re-using bottoms for at least two days (skorts, pants, jeans, shorts). I like to take an extra outfit if it will fit. I always like to take extra underwear! For the last trip, I used packing cubes and I really think they worked well!! I usually check a bag and take a small carry-on. These are the ones I ordered and use.

4. What is it about people's cell phone habits that you find most annoying? I worry when I see people driving and reading on their phones – not looking briefly at the map but READING text messages, etc. I also hate it when I’m trying to talk to someone and they can’t look at me because they are too busy looking down at their phone. I also think it is very rude for someone to be in a check-out line and talk on their phone instead of acknowledging the cashier.

5. What will be your summer mantra/slogan? Go to the pool more often! Actually, what has been in my head since last weekend is “Love those that God loves.”

6. Insert your own random thought here. If you are interested, Here is the link to the Hoover Magazine. Our article begins on page 47.



  1. I think the cover photo is great! I use packing cubes too and feel like I have more room, and am better organized upon arrival. Last time I had my nails done there was a woman getting a pedicure who was on her phone. One thing I love about this salon is the quiet aesthetic and the owner kept looking at her hoping she'd take the hint, and she finally did. People don't realize how loud they are on their phones either. Have a great day!

    1. I went to the nail salon after work yesterday for a pedicure and my phone rang and I had to answer it. I talked VERY quietly and said that I had to go very quickly!! Thank goodness no one had started on my feet yet and the other customers in the salon were laughing and talking at the time. I hate sitting next to someone who is talking on their phone!!

  2. I agree with Joyce that the cover photo is great; that is so cool you got to be in the magazine. I agree with you that people who are distracted by their phones are annoying. We have a friend who is almost always looking at his even when he is the one who set up our get together. Granted, it's usually because his wife constantly texts him but still.

    1. Thank you! Y'all are so kind. I see all of my flaws :-)

  3. I love the photo... that is fantastic to be featured.
    I have been featured in our local newspaper a few times, I always hate having my photo taken.

    1. The photo shoot was actually fun. I'm just very critical of myself!!

  4. Great photo!
    I, too, get really annoyed when people behave like their checker (wait staff, etc.) is invisible. I try and always make a point to say, "Thank you" and use his/her first name.

    1. Thank you! I agree about the invisibility!! People can be rude.

  5. I so agree about cell phones, goodness! And, having a full on conversation in the Drs. office. NO! So annoying. Love those packing cubes, mine are plain jane compared to your cute ones. But, mine are 12 years old.

    1. I wouldn't want everyone in the doctor's waiting room to know what was going on in my life!!

  6. I forgot all about cheese straws! My sister learned how to make them in home ec class in high school and we made some at home. So neat about the magazine cover!

  7. I was captivated by the article and your home is beyond beautiful. It's so stunning that it could easily grace the pages of top notch home magazine. I'm relieved that you, your husband, and your cat all made it out safely. You really do take a nice photo.

    1. Oh, okay—I live under a rock. Those are packing cubes! LOL. If I were to do a lot of packing, that would be the way to go.

  8. Such a great article and your home is absolutely lovely, as is your pictures. That was a true honor. Thanks for sharing it with us. I could not agree more with you mantra and slogan - to be a blessing to others, and I know you already are.

  9. Wow! What a great article and your home is lovely. The photos of the two of you turned out great. Enjoyed seeing them. Great slogan! Happy June to you!

  10. How exciting to be on the cover of the magazine. You both look fabulous! Your "new" home is gorgeous. Another fun Hodgepodge!

  11. I think the cover photo is great! What an honor! I love the idea of the packing cubes but haven't been able to justify spending the money on getting them. Yet! ;-) Hope you're having a great week!

    1. Let me help you justify the cost -- they are worth it!! Seriously!! Thank you for your sweet comments about the magazine!

  12. cheese straws sound good. I think that picture turned out great. Oh, those cubes look cool. I like your summer mantra. I just read the article. Wow. My husband works for a restoration company that comes in after any type of loss and works with homeowners, removing, cleaning, storing, etc..I've heard some stories, and it's made us take stock of what we have, what to keep inventory of, etc.

    1. I imagine your husband has seen some unbelievable things. We were/are extremely lucky/blessed. We live just seconds away from the fire department. They originally brought four trucks but then called in a fifth truck to keep the fire from spreading next door (she didn't get that detail right - among a few others). Thanks for your kind words about the picture!
